Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

define "productive"

today was one of those days that i was supposed to get things done. it's the only day i didn't work or have class this week and i had planned to go to church, go to yoga, do my taxes, wash all my bedding, get ahead on my school work, organize my files and tackle my mountain of laundry. a spring cleaning of sorts.
instead of crossing anything off of my to-do list, i slept until 11:30 am, went to target, where i wandered aimlessly for 2 hours (i made it out spending only $24- an accomplishment in itself, i think), ate a late lunch, then went to my best friends' house for a walk and a late dinner. it's now almost 11 pm and i just threw in my first load of laundry and i'm blogging. what???
my first inclination is to say that i just wasted my only free day. a beautiful sunday with so much potential. but then i thought about last week and then i thought about everything i have to do this week and i decided this was the most productive unproductive day i could have given myself.
i slept in because i needed to, went for a walk because the sunshine was warm, and i spent an evening with my best friends because a good belly laugh makes any day a great day.

Friday, March 25, 2011

just start writing

i guess i should start by introducing myself.

my name is katie and i have a zillion interests and a lot to say about everything. i am a michigan state alum that spent 2 years working in advertising only to realize that i hate advertising. i'm currently back in school with the hopes of becoming a high school english teacher. i had a hard time deciding whether or not to tell you that because my writing will not be perfect and i have no intention of using proper capitalization while i write. volleyball, horseback riding, and photography are my 3 most beloved pastimes and "success", to me, is finding a way to incorporate all of those passions into my life/career. i'm handier than most people would expect, i can't tell you the last time i was wrong (oh no she di'nt...), i can tweeze a fantastic eyebrow, i only sit in the front row at cedar point, i am in love with my cats, and i believe music is the single most powerful thing to have in common with someone.

why "penelope's daughter"? penelope was my remarkable mom. she was a spectacular artist, remarkable teacher, wonderful friend, and perfect mother. she died in 2009. i want to knock your socks off with anything and everything i might ever do that's cool or creative and i want you to recognize that i'm only capable of doing cool or creative things because i had her as a mom. she made me who i am, so if you like me or anything i have to say, you really would have loved her.